About Prague
Location of the Czech Republic: In the centre of Europe
Borders with countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Poland
Area of the Czech Republic: 78,866 square km
Population of the Czech Republic: 10.28 million inhabitants
Location of Prague: In the centre of Czech Republic, at 50°05"N and 14°27"E
Area of Prague: 496 square km
Population of Prague: 1.21 million inhabitants
Executive language: Czech
Currency: Czech crown - Czech symbol "Kč", international symbol "CZK" 1 Kč = 100 groat, Czech symbol "h"
Coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Kč
Banknotes: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 Kc
Time zone: Central European time zone - GMT+1, in summer - GMT+2
Elevation of Prague: 180 - 400 m above sea level
Climate: Mild continental climate
Transportation in Prague: Tram, bus, car, metro, taxi
Electrical Voltage: Voltage 230 V - 50/60 Hz
Important phone numbers
Fire: 150
Ambulance: 155
Emergency: 112
Police: 158
City Police: 156
Road assistance: 1230
Gas emergency: 1239